Thursday, October 2, 2008


Noah Senzel
Period F
HW 11
1. What is Stoessinger's thesis? 

His thesis is that if you started a war, you can stop it. No country is incapable of recovering from mistakes. 

2. What did the Kaiser do wrong that caused the war?

He assumed that Austria's leaders wouldn't turn to war. He also assummed that in the rare case that they did, Russia would support them in order to keep their pride, rather than support Serbia.

3. Why did Austria feel the need to go to war with Serbia, according to Stoessinger?

According to Stoessinger, Austria felt the need to go to war with Serbia because if it did not, than Serbia would destroy the Austrian monarchy. This final insult would turn the duel monarchy into "a worm-eaten museum piece," according to Saravejo.

4.What are a couple examples of poor leadership that may have led to war, according to Stoessinger?

One example of poor leadership was the Kaiser and his "blank cheque" to Austria. 
Another was his decision to strike first. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think you could have been more detailed in explaining the thesis. Overall good info