Noah Senzel
Period F
HW 19
Origin: Written by Ex.-Lieut.-Col. T. E. Lawrence. Published in the Sunday Times on the 22nd of August, 1920. Retrieved from <> on 10/5/08, site updated on 08/15/08.
Purpose: To provide an opinion on the policy of the British government towards their Middle-Eastern Allies, and to attempt to convince the government to change their policy.
Value: This document shows the opinion of one man, who had experience with the subject at hand (served with the Arabs and the British and saw both sides' reactions), on the treatment of the Arabs by the British (unkept promises, occupying cities, etc.).
It also shows his idea of who is to blame (the government) , why they are to blame (they send drafts without reinforcing them), and how they are worse compared to the Turks who held the Arabs previously (more civilians killed, more military equipment, more occupying men, etc.).
Limitations: Only the opinion of one man, which was altered by the newspaper editor, in 1920, in Britain, who was loyal to both Britain and the Arabs. He comments on why the government is failing although he has no government experience.